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Alamos, Sonora

Alamos is a state located in southern Sonora, Mexico. In Alamos is the northernmost distribution of the deciduous forest, finding many birds with a neotropical distribution. Come see these wonderful birds!!


What species do I expect to see?

Although there are too many species that can be seen in Alamos, the tours are made to see as many species as possible. However, we expect to see some wonderful species such as: Crane Hawk, Elegant Quail, Gray-crowned Woodpecker, Happy wren, Laughing Falcon, Lesser Roadrunner, Mexican Parrotlet, Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow, Sinaloa Wren, Spotted Wren. Además, especies como Colima pygmy Owl, Lilac-crowned Parrot, Military Macaw, Purplish-Backed Jay, Rufous-bellied Chachalaca, Squirrel cuckoo, West Mexican Euphonia, Black-Throated Magpie-Jay.


Vegetation and Climate

In Alamos is the limit of the deciduous tropical forest. The deciduous forest is characterized by having a marked rainy season (June to September) and a dry season (November to May). The weather will depend on the season in which you visit the region. In the rainy season the climate is humid and hot.


Where to Stay?

Places to stay in Alamos are as diverse. Some hotels can provide comfort during your stay, such as Alamo Bonito Resort, La Puerta Roja Hotel, Hotel Casa María Felix, etc. In addition, Alamos has accommodations on the Aibnb platform.

What to eat?

Alamos has different places to eat depending on your whim. Some restaurants with excellent reputations are La Casa Argentina, Cilantros Cocina, Las Palmeras Restaurant, Doña Lola Restaurant, etc.

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